How do I Choose the Best Diamond Painting Kit for Kids?

How do I Choose the Best Diamond Painting Kit for Kids?

A Diamond Painting Comparison

The diamond painting trend is one that is taking over the creative world of crafters and artists of all ages. Diamond painting is a creative activity that takes a paint by number or mosaic style crafting concept to another shining level. Follow colored directions to create images with gems instead of paint; the result being a colorful diamond art 3D creation.

As the interest in diamond painting grows so does the amount of kits available for artists to choose from. We at Creativity for Kids are breaking down the differences amongst fellow diamond painting kits for kids, so you can find one that is best for your child. 

Creativity for Kids offers Big Gem Diamond Painting craft kits in four different kid-friendly themes: Magical, Sweets, Woodland, and Sea FriendsOur easy to use stylus and wax and larger gems make diamond painting easy for children; no confusing keys or hard to use tools. Our kits allow younger crafters to experience the joys of Diamond Painting with ease. Each kit includes 12 holographic stickers and two suncatchers.

Diamond Painting Product Comparison Chart

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