Easy Sparkly Sun Catchers

Easy Sparkly Sun Catchers


Today we are going to make an easy Sparkly sun catcher- and guess what? You probably already have everything you need. We build it off of a recycled plastic lid, so it’s an earth-friendly craft, too! This would be fun to make and give as gifts for teachers, Dads, or anyone special!

You’ll need:

  • scissors
  • yarn
  • glitter glue
  • clean clear recycled plastic lid
  • pen
  • hold punch

Here’s a quick video showing you exactly how I made it!

If you like written directions, here you go:

1. Trace a shape in the middle of the clear plastic lid using a pen.

Sharp scissors cutting outline in plastic lid

2. Carefully cut out the shape with scissors.

3. Cover your work surface. Spread a thick coat of glitter glue on the inside of the lid.

Glitter glue spread on plastic lid

4. Let dry thoroughly! (Overnight is best.)

5. Trim off the rim of the plastic lid and discard.

Sparkles on plastic lid

6. Using the hole punch, make a hole in the middle of the top of the lid, and if you like, as many as you want on the bottom. 

Sparkly plastic lid and hole punch

7. Using the yarn, create tassels.

Yarn wrapped around hand

Knotting yarn

Yarn Tassel

Cut the bottom loops to create a fringe

8. Tie the tassels on through the bottom holes.

Tied tassel on sparkly sun catcher

9. Make a loop for hanging through the top hole.

Sparkly Sun Catcher

The result is super sparkly and fun! And you can get creative with the shapes and colors you use, as well as trying other ideas for the tassels. Maybe use a recycled ribbon? Or even string up some beads! Let your imagination run wild!




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