Feather Bookmark with Albrecht Dürer® Watercolor Markers

Feather Bookmark with Albrecht Dürer® Watercolor Markers


Hi everyone, Mou Saha here with an Albrecht Dürer® Watercolor marker tutorial. I once found a feather in a book I bought at a thrift shop. I figured that the previous owner of the book might have used the feather as a bookmark.

Feather in Grass

As a lot of different birds molt during the summer months, you may find feathers on your nature walks. When I see a feather, I take a photo with my phone and save the image in my inspiration folder. I am using this feather image as my inspiration for creating a feather bookmark of my own.


Sketch with Grip Graphite Pencil

Start with a light pencil sketch on watercolor paper. I use 140 lb. cold press watercolor paper.

Feather Sketch with Pitt Artist Pen

Add details with your Pitt Artist Pen.

Feather Sketch and Albrecht Dürer Watercolor Markers - Orange and Red

Add the first layer of color using the brush tip of the dual-tip Albrecht Dürer Watercolor Marker. Blend the edges with water using a paintbrush dipped in water or a water brush.

 Feather Sketch with Albrecht Dürer Watercolor Markers - Orange and Red

Add visual depth using a darker shade of color. Blend with water. 

Feather Sketch with Grey Albrecht Dürer Watercolor Markers

Add the bar pattern with a contrasting color. I am working with oranges and greys based on my inspiration image. If you are using a different inspiration piece, use the colors you see.

Cut Feather Sketch with Scissors

Use scissors to cut the feather out of the watercolor paper.

 Artist Biography - Mou Saha - Mou Saha Studio


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