The Power of Positivity and Kindness

The Power of Positivity & Kindness

Staying Positive has health benefits!

Everyone knows that exercise offers multiple health benefits but did you know that spreading positive thoughts and kindness does, too? Positivity and good health go hand-in-hand. Even though researchers haven’t found the exact physical link between the two, they continuously see the power of its results. Find out how staying positive and kind can keep you and others healthy.

Positive Energy Can Heal the Universe

A Kind Heart Is a Healthy Heart

Lisa R. Yanek, a health expert at Johns Hopkins, has been studying the effects of positivity on heart disease. She and her team have looked at people with a family history of heart disease and compared them to the general population. They administered a survey to find out how positive people in the study were and if that made a difference in their cardiovascular health. They looked at factors such as:

  • Cheerfulness
  • Energy levels
  • Anxiety levels
  • Satisfaction with health
  • Overall satisfaction with life

The researchers found that positive people in the general population are 13 percent less likely to have a heart attack than negative people. For people with a family history of heart disease, the ones with a positive outlook on life were 33% less likely to have a cardiac event within 5-25 years than those with a negative outlook.

Painted Rock B Kind Painted Rock bee happy Painted rock be happy with butterfly

Positive Connections Mean Great Relationships

You don’t have to be married to the idea of positivity and kindness, but a couple’s study found that expressing positivity to your partner brings greater satisfaction with life for both of you. Even if the couple isn’t married, when two people spend time with each other, positivity is shown to help you cope with difficult times better and find the bright spots in life.


When it comes to positivity and kindness, the relationship can be between friends, coworkers or even strangers in a crowd. Compared to people who only dwell on the negative, positive people experience stronger and longer-lasting relationships that support a lifetime of health and happiness.

Howard Zinn quote

Turn That Frown Upside-Down

You’ve probably heard that phrase, or said it, more than once. But a group of researchers at the University of Kansas checked out the details to see if it really does any good. They found that even if your smile is fake, the mere act of smiling lowers your heart rate and blood pressure during times of stress. So, when you say a kind word to someone who’s having a bad day, the resulting smile really does make you both feel better.

 Painted Rock Hello Friend Painted Rock Sun

More Benefits of a Positive Life

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic continue to explore the health benefits of optimism and positivity. Some of the additional benefits they’ve witnessed are:

  • Increases in life span
  • Lowered depression rates
  • Lowered levels of distress
  • Greater resistance to colds and flu
  • Better overall psychological and physical well-being


Cultivate Kindness and Positive Thoughts

It’s not difficult to cultivate kindness and positivity. You can start by taking a moment to show gratitude for the people around you. Let someone know when they’ve made your day easier or given you a ray of hope during times of stress. Look for the same opportunities to pay that kindness forward. Simply opening a door for someone or offering a helping hand can often lighten a person’s load.

The experts may say to surround yourself with positive people, but the best way to start is to be a seed of kindness. Your positive thoughts and expressions will not only attract the positive people you want to be around, but it will benefit your health in more ways than one.

Creativity Counts!

Creating arts and crafts with the intention of brightening someone else’s day is another way to spread kindness and positivity. 

We created thank you printable coloring pages to give to those on the front lines like nurses, doctors, hospital workers, grocery store workers, delivery folks and anyone else you or your child wants to thank. So download, color, and share some gratitude today! You can see the whole blog post here!

Rainbow Thank You Card Puppy Thank You Card




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