Sustainability Fact Sheets

Globe in hands

Our Fact Sheet is a short sustainability report that informs about our activities and developments in the area of sustainability at Faber-Castell.

The standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) serve as a guide and the principles of the UN Global Compact are taken into account.

Among other things, our Fact Sheet presents our carbon-neutral production with a detailed explanation of the emissions and energy consumption of our production sites. The figures relate to the 2019/20 fiscal year and are compared with the previous three fiscal years.

Furthermore, we present our group-wide sustainability projects in Latin America, Europe and Asia until the end of 2021, in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

2022 Sustainability Fact Sheet


Sustainability Fact Sheet



Minas Gerais, Brasil

Sustainability Eco System 

Animals in forest Bird in forest
79 mammal species 272 bird species
Frog in dirt Ants in dirt
32 reptile species and 38 amphibian species  261 ant species

Sustainability Fact Sheets:


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